
Lit Idol

If I hadn’t by chance heard a tongue-in-check fifteen-second spot on the CBC Arts Report as I drove into work one day back in 2004, I never would have heard about the event that launched my writing career. It sounded like a joke to me at first. The London International Book...

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Exploring Truth Through Fiction

Note: This post contains an imbedded video which may not be viewable on all devices. If you were to do a Google search on the difference between fiction and nonfiction, you’d find a lot of results that come back telling you nonfiction is real and fiction is fake. In other...

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London Ontario Is Teeming With Writers

Quick. Name a writer who lives in London, Ontario. When presented with this challenge, many of us come up empty. Some might manage a name or two. Big names in fiction like Emma Donoghue, author of the internationally-acclaimed novel Room. Or Bonnie Burnard, winner of the Marian...

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