Weekend Pass
Who can forgive a mother who poisons her eight-year-old son? Even if it was an accident.
Tasha thought she had everything under control – her family life, her career as a nurse – until her son got into her stash of painkillers. Now, during her first weekend home from drug treatment, she must come to grips with the damage she’s done and somehow pick up the pieces. Told from the points of view of four different family members, Weekend Pass is a story about the lies we tell ourselves and the people we love. And it’s about struggling to rise above the mistakes that threaten to define us.
“Weekend Pass packs a lot into fewer than two hundred pages. The dialogue never stutters. The writing is tight and clean and elegant with hidden depths that give pause for reflection and thought. It covers important, difficult themes in a compassionate, humanist way. It was an absolute pleasure to read.” – Recommended, TheBookBag.co.uk

Paul Cavanagh
International Lit Idol. Really.
I’m a critically-acclaimed Canadian literary novelist who’s best known for being crowned the world’s first Lit Idol at the London Book Fair in the UK. My work has been released independently and by HarperCollins. Although I got my big break in London, England, I live in London, Canada. That’s why I go by the moniker Not That London Writer.

My Novels
After Helen
A history teacher struggles to resolve his feelings towards his larger-than-life late wife, Helen, in order to salvage his relationship with their daughter.
Missing Steps
An absent-minded man rushes home to the sickbed of his estranged mother, dogged by the legacy of a father who died in his 50s of dementia.
Weekend Pass
Creative morsels and other literary appetizers
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Twitter fiction. Famous book titles with one letter missing. Glimpses behind the scenes. Creative insights. Some of it’s thoughtful. Some of it’s just for fun.
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A Glimpse Inside Tweet-Sized Tales
Old-School Twitter fiction.
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Famous Book Titles With One Letter Missing
Nothing serious here!
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